Thursday 24 July 2008


It has been quite a while since I've updated this thing. A hell of a lot has happened since then, the most important and exciting thing being that I found out I got a place in the student village at uni. You have absolutely no idea how happy I am about this, I was getting so worried that I would have to start looking for a flat with people that I haven't even met yet which would have been so awkward and inconvenient right now. But hey, I now have somewhere to live and what's more, I can move in on the 31st August which is precisely 38 days away. I am both excited and scared and also a little bit sad. Though at the moment more excited than anything and I intend to leave those other emotions until much nearer the time, by which time I will be crapping my pants!

This Sunday marks one year of being with Erd. It has all gone by so quick yet at the same time it all feels so new, which is definitely a good thing. I hate to be all gushy but I really do love him and am so incredibly happy. Big cheesy grin! Oh and he's taking me to the zoo on Sunday so I can see the gorillas. LOVE!

This is a self-portait I did for a project quite a few months back now. I have been thinking about this and my reasoning behind it and generally how much fun I had pushing myself creatively to get the desired result, and it has made me realise that the reason I haven't shot very much lately is because I simply don't get as much pleasure out of shooting a simple scene or portrait as I do coming up with a big idea and spending a long time creating the perfect lighting and creative effects to get something quite different, something I can really be proud of. This has been a barrier for me recently because I guess I think that as I don't have the convenience of college equipment anymore, I can't be creative - I've realised that I am wrong and this shouldn't stop me. From this point on I am going do tons of research and tons of thinking and coming up with ideas, then shoot shoot shoot! Lighting fascinates me, which is quite evident by this self-portrait, so I know that's definitely the first and foremost thing to think about.

I will hopefully update this soon, with some new pictures! xox

Tuesday 10 June 2008


Today I took part in a photoshoot in which, for probably the first time, I was the photographed rather than the photographer. I actually really enjoyed it and some reallyy lovely images were produced by the wonderful Magdalene.

Friday 6 June 2008


I am feeling very happy right now and I absolutely love it! For the first time in a long time I actually feel really proud of myself and it's such a great feeling! My FMP is finished and the final peices are wonderful, better than I ever could have imagined. Three of them have been printed 40x40 inches for my end of year show at college which makes me feel pretty damn good everytime I see them. Only thing that is a little sad is that it suddenly hit me today that I only have a few weeks left at that place before I leave forever and take the big step to uni. However I am extremely excited and cannot wait for September to come to start that new period of my life. I find the only way of expressing how happy I am on here with this - :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). you get the idea.

I went for a lovely meal at an indian restuarant tonight with Erd. I absolutely love it at the place, it's so nice and the people are so welcoming, and all the food is half price between 6 and 9 - how could it get any better than that?! And of course I was in amazing company so it was pretty special. Ee I love that boy so much! I never knew I could feel like this, everything is just perfect and I feel like I could just explode with joy - how cheesy am I starting to sound! I also don't think I've used exclamation marks so much in one piece of writing like everr.

Wednesday 4 June 2008


I just booked one ticket to see Thrice at the electric ballroom in August. I am excited!

Tuesday 3 June 2008


I have been severely lacking motivation to do anything lately, I've found myself sitting around thinking about doing things a hell of a lot, but never actually getting off my backside and getting things done. I don't know if it's so much being lazy, as much as that contributes to it, but I've just had such a lack of motivation that I can't bring myself to do anything. Well, today I finally got fed up of this and actually did something. So, armed with a black oil pastel and a piece of white paper, and using a picture of Erd as inspiration, I started doing a quick sketch of him. I'll be the first to admit it's not very good - I spent the whole of five minutes on it and didn't think too much about perspective etc, but generally I am quite pleased with myself as that's the first drawing of any kind I have done for over two years, since I did art at AS level. And I enjoyed it. I think I have avoided drawing for all this time as I always thought I was never really good at it, which I am most probably not, but I suppose what does that matter if I enjoy it and it's something that can be improved over time anyway? Oh I wish I had realised this such a long time ago!

Also, I have started doing exercises to tone up a little. It has been my aim to do this for months but being my lazy self, I never got round to it. Now for two days in a row I have kept it up and I aim to keep this going, it's at least one thing giving me some motivation and I really need it!

This weekend I am going to buy some camera film. Lots of it. And go out and take lots of photos. YES!

Sunday 1 June 2008


I have decided to create one of these blogs as I have found myself writing less and less over the past months (well, years) - much the result of taking on an artistic subject which is much more practical based than written. I think back to when I used to do English Literature AS and sometimes wonder if I should have carried on with it, as I sometimes really really miss creative writing, but at the same time I know that the best choice I ever made was to take on photography. Never before have I been so excited about doing something and learning every little thing about it, all I can say is bring on uni and everything that comes with it! See, already I am rambling on, I was sure that I would not have a thing to write in this thing as it has been many years since I have done any sort of blog or diary. But I think that will now change. I also think that I will spend this summer doing some creative writing and lots of reading, something I have severely lacked doing for a very long time. Mainly down to me being lazy - this has to change!

The end of this week will mark the end of my ND, and I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the course and I am so incredibly grateful for everything that I have learnt. I am really going to miss printing my own pictures this summer but I will make up for that when I head to uni - and I may just invest in a digital SLR to keep me busy throughout the summer and to teach me some digital skillz. I really need to learn some.

Right, I'm off to have some punch that my boyfriend has so lovingly made. Adios!